


Based on the tasks provided for in paragraphs 7-9 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan №. PP-261 dated May 27, 2022, the State History Museum of Uzbekistan has organized and is conducting a nationwide campaign "My contribution to the national heritage" in order to stimulate and popularize the reception of cultural values among the population.


For the acquisition of state museums of cultural values, including works of fine and applied art created during the years of independence, having high artistic value, from July 1, 2022, an additional 3 billion sums are allocated annually to the cultural heritage fund from funds allocated from the state budget to the sphere of cultural heritage and museums, and to the corresponding state museums in the regions-the republican budget of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, 500 million sums will be allocated from the city budget and the budget of the Tashkent city, it is assumed, that, taking into account the practical demand, the amount of these funds will be increased;

Large-scale agitation and propaganda work is being carried out in the mass media, the Internet and social networks, and field expeditions are being organized;

The exemplary activity of representatives of the population who take an active part in the identification and transfer of cultural values to state museums is widely promoted and supported;

Every year, an exhibition of cultural values acquired from the population is organized in state museums, and information about them is posted on the official website of the cultural heritage agency and the corresponding state museum.

In accordance with paragraph 9 of the resolution, the State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan, together with interested ministries and departments, holds an action "My contribution to the national Heritage" every year, where persons taking an active part in it are encouraged;

Measures are being developed to digitize the process of obtaining (acquiring) cultural values from the population.