




Ismailova Jannat Khamidovna

J. X. Ismailova graduated from the school №169 of Tashkent with a gold medal. She was also graduated with honors from the Faculty of History of Tashkent State Pedagogical University.

In 1988 she defended PhD thesis on the topic "Socio-economic and cultural life of Tashkent (2nd half of the XIX-early XX centuries)"

- In 2002, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "National Liberation struggle in Ferghana".

J.X. Ismailova throughout her scientific activity conducts multifaceted research work in such areas as the history of cities, lifestyle and customs of the Uzbek people, culture, education system, medicine, history of printing, fundamentals of museology. She is not only a historian, but also the first museum scientist who founded the school of museology.

The total number of published scientific papers is more than 250. She is an author of a number of monographs, textbooks, brochures, articles, textbooks and albums. In 2011 J. Ismailova founded the first Children's Museum in Uzbekistan.

On the initiative of J. Ismailova In 2020, for the first time in the history of the museum, the Scientific Council on the Museum specialty was established. Currently, 5 candidate's and 2 doctoral dissertations have been defended in this council. J. Ismailova has prepared 10 candidates and 4 doctors of sciences. Over the past 5 years, she has managed 3 practical grant projects.

She has been teaching as a professor of museum studies for masters at the National Institute of Art and design named after Kamoliddin Behzad for 15 years. 


- “The most active museum worker of the Year" in 2010

- “Museum of the Year" in 2011

- In 2015 she became the winner in the nomination “The most active head of the Museum of the Year” and in 2017, she was awarded the title of “Honored worker of Culture of Uzbekistan”.


Rasulova Durdona Bakhronovna

Rasulova Durdona Bakhronovna was born on February 18, 1980, in the Samarkand region. She has a higher education. In 2002, she received a master's degree from Samarkand State University. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Historical Sciences and is an Associate Professor.

During her career, Durdona Rasulova worked at Samarkand State University, the Samarkand Regional Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Education Workers, the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan. Since 2023, he has been working as the deputy director of the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan for scientific work.


Gulyamov Ravshan Nigmatovich

1997-2001 – Bachelor’s degree

National University of Uzbekistan, Faculty of History 

2001-2003 – Master’s degree

National University of Uzbekistan, Faculty of History 

 2004-2007 – lecturer, guide

State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan

2007-2008 – junior researcher 

State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan

2008-2013 – head of the exhibition department

State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan

2013-2017 –  Curator of the "Archaeology, ethnography and art

Artifacts" fund, junior researcher

State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan

2017 – chief curator 

State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan


Ismailov Alisher Fayziyevich

Ismailov Alisher Fayzievich was born in 1981 in the Jizzakh region, Sh. Rashidov district, Uzbek nationality, higher education. In 1998 he graduated from the Gymnasium for gifted children No. 22 in the city of Jizzakh. In 1999 - 2003 - studied at the Faculty of History, State and Legal Foundations of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, 2002-2006. - Teacher of history and law of the 50th school of Sh. Rashidovsky district,2006-2008 - Master student of Tashkent State Pedagogical University, 2009-2010. - Teacher of history and law at the academic lyceum at the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, 2011-2012. - Intern at Tashkent State Pedagogical University, researcher, 2013-2014 - Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences of the Academic Lyceum at the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, 2015-2020. head of the educational and methodological department for working with youth at the State Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan and the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan, since July 1, 2020, he has been working as an academic secretary at the State Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan and the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan.

In 2016, A. Ismailov completed advanced training courses at the international level on the topic “Museum and Education in the 20th Century: New Practice and Prospects for Development”, and in 2020 on the topic “Foreign Grant Programs: Preparation of Applications and Systemic Actions”, organized by Ministry of Innovative Development.

In 2018, he became the winner of the Republican contest "The Most Active Teacher-Researcher" of the scientific and methodological journal "People's Education".

In 2018, he received a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in pedagogical sciences, and in 2020 he received the title of "Senior Research Fellow" at the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Candidate of Sciences at the State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan.02/09.07.2020.Ist.70.03. He also acts as scientific secretary of the Scientific Council of Scientists.

He is a member of the Scientific and Methodological Council on the subject "History" at the Scientific-Technical and Republican Educational Center at the Department of "Social and Humanitarian Sciences" of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Alisher Ismailov is the author of about 100 scientific papers and 10 teaching aids.