


History of Tashkent in ancient and medieval times

Considering the unique political, economic and cultural position of the city of Tashkent in Central Asia, the Tashkent Museum was established as a branch of the State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan on May 20, 2020 in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 905 dated November 8, 2019.


According to the minutes of the meeting No. 35 dated May 20, 2020 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, the scientific department of the Tashkent Museum "Ancient and medieval history of Tashkent" was created in accordance with the task of effectively establishing the activities of the Museum of the History of Tashkent and studying the history of the capital.

The department conducts scientific research on the history, art, culture, literary environment of ancient and medieval Tashkent and other areas.

Currently, the department has one Doctor of History (DcS), one Doctor of Philosophy in History (PhD), a junior researcher and a senior specialist.

The program of this department:

1. Research of archaeological artifacts found in the ancient settlements of Aktepa in Tashkent;

2. The result of archaeological research conducted in recent years in the Tashkent oasis (on the example of museum collections).

3. Toponymy of Tashkent;

4. Archaeological research of the Chach oasis;

5. The role of Binkat in the development of Islamic culture.

6. The cities of Ilak are an important source on the history of the mining industry in the country;

7. Tashkent under Amir Timur and Timurids;

8. Tashkent on the Great Silk Road;

9. Coins minted by the rulers of Tashkent are an important source in the study of the history of Tashkent.

10. Formation of a historical map of medieval historical architectural monuments of Tashkent;

11. Enlighteners who lived and worked in Tashkent (thinkers who wrote under the pseudonyms Shoshiy, Ilaki, Tashandiy).