


The Scientific Department of History of the State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan was established in June 2020. The main activity of the department is scientific.


The Scientific Department of History of the State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan was established in June 2020. The main activity of the department is scientific. It consists of organizing international and republican conferences in the museum, preliminary discussion of scientific works submitted to the scientific council established in the museum, creation of scientific articles and monographs based on museology and museum exposition. Review of textbooks, educational manuals and monographs related to the museum is also carried out.

Since the establishment of the department in 2020, this department has been headed by Doctor of Philosophy in History, senior researcher D.O. Karimova. Today, the department has Ph.D., Senior Researcher D. Karimova, Ph.D., Senior Researcher A. Musakaeva, Ph.D. is operating as

D. Karimova deals with the history of the ancient period of Uzbekistan, scientifically studies the finds in the archeological fund of the museum, prepares articles, theses and scientific lectures at the national and international level.

A. Musakaeva, as the treasurer of the Numismatic Fund, annually studies the coins found in the territory of our country, which are not yet known to the pages of our history, compares them with the findings of neighboring regions, analyzes them, and puts them into scientific circulation.

As a museologist, M. Mukhamedova conducts scientific work on issues of museumization, exhibition of finds in museums, their examination, attribution. He publishes articles, monographs and theses.

As a young scientific specialist, M.Safaev has been involved in the formation of the Museum's Ethnographic Fund, the review of the finds in the fund, and the objects found as a result of ethnographic expeditions.

Artist-restorer D. Raufova cleans coins in the Numismatic Fund. At the same time, the Archeology Fund carries out restoration and conservation works on ceramics.

The program of this department:

1. Research of ancient and medieval art of Uzbekistan based on the materials of the archaeological fund of the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan;

2. Preparation for the publication of the bibliographic collection “Those who dedicated their work and talent to the museum” about the museum staff who made a huge contribution to the museum's activities;

3. Preparation of the album catalog of jewelry from the collections of the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan;

4. Preparation of the album catalog of copper-coinage products from the collections of the archaeological fund of the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan;

5. Preparation of the article "From the history formation of the ethnographic fund of the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan";

6. Preparation of the album-catalogue of ostadons from the collections of the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan;

7. Preparation of the article "Items received by the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan in 2021-2022";

8. Writing a scientific description of the objects of the archaeological fund and entering them into the inventory book;

9. Preparation of the article "XII-XIII copper jugs in the collections of the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan";

10. Conducting research on the problems of preservation and restoration of architectural monuments of our country (on the example of the city of Bukhara);

11. Restoration and conservation of glazed and unglazed ceramics, as well as metal products stored in the archaeological fund;

12. Restoration of damaged rare books, albums and magazines in the scientific library of the museum;

13. Restoration and preservation of coins in the numismatic fund.