


The department "History of Tashkent in the XIX – XXI centuries

The "History of Tashkent in the 19th - 21st centuries" department is part of the Tashkent Museum, which began its operation in May 2020 as a branch of the State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan. , economic, social and cultural life, as well as the study of issues such as reforms in the period of independence were determined.


The department "History of Tashkent in the XIX – XXI centuries" is part of the Tashkent Museum, which began its activities in May 2020 as a branch of the State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan. The research direction of the department focuses on the study of such issues as the occupation of Tashkent by the Russian Empire, colonial policy, reforms of the Jadids, political, economic, social and cultural life of the Soviet government, as well as the reforms of the independence period. In addition, the tasks of the department cover such issues as the systematic updating of museum expositions, the preparation of scientific articles on the topic of research, the development of catalogs, the organization of cultural and educational events in the museum.

To date, the department has 1 Doctor of Historical Sciences, 2 Doctors of Philosophy in historical sciences and 1 leading specialist.

The program of this department:

1. Figures of culture and art who lived and worked in Tashkent;

2. The history of the ancient gates of Tashkent;

3. The history of the Tashkent mahalla;

4. Applied art of the Tashkent region;

5. The history of the national costume of Tashkent;

6. Tashkent is the administrative center of the Turkestan General Governorate-;

7. Architecture of Tashkent during the reign of the Russian Empire;

8. The problem of the "old" and "new" city of Tashkent;

9. Tashkent - as a center of science;

10. Periodical press in Tashkent;

11. Victims of the policy of repression (on the example of the city of Tashkent);

12. The role of the city of Tashkent during the Second World War;

13. The Tashkent earthquake of 1966 and its impact on the architecture of Tashkent;

14. Creative work in Tashkent during the years of independence.