


In Tashkent Museum held scientific-practical seminar



On September 20, the head of the department of the Institute of Art History of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture Ulmasov Akmaljon Fozilovich held a scientific and practical seminar on the topic "Restauration activities of the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan" at the branch of the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan - the Tashkent Museum.

The seminar was organized in a hybrid format. In other words, employees and students of the Kamoliddin Behzod National Institute of Arts and Design, the Institute of Art Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan participated directly in the Tashkent Museum itself, while representatives of the industry, specialists and other interested people participated online through the Zoom platform.

During the seminar, Akmaljon Fozilovich highlighted in-depth analytical and useful information on the establishment of the State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan, the development of archaeology in Central Asia, types of activities in museums, the rules of storage and restoration of exhibits, and other related topics, presented in detail the tools related to the restoration process, and demonstrated some experiments in a practical way.

The fact that the seminar was liked by the participants can be seen from their questions related to the field and their active participation in the seminar. We hope that this seminar was equally enjoyable for all participants.

The State Museum of History of Uzbekistan expresses deep gratitude to the head of the department of the Institute of Art History of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture Ulmasov Akmaljon Fazilovich for the excellent scientific and practical seminar and wishes success in the future scientific research of the scientist.