

State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan

is temporarily closed for repairs from June 4!

State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan

The State History Museum of Uzbekistan was established in 1876 and is one of the largest scientific-educational institutions in Central Asia. As a multi-discipline establishment, the museum fulfills a number of functions. It serves as a scientific research institution, it is the largest custodian of artifacts representing the material and spiritual cultural heritage in Uzbekistan and it is a centre of dissemination of historical knowledge. The museum has been included in the composition of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan since its foundation in 1943.




Uzbekistan in the XIX - XX centuries.

The endless conflicts in the first half of the 19th century between Bukhara, Khiva and Kokand caused their economic and military decline, which contributed to the colonization of the khanates by the Russian empire and the loss of national statehood. One of the museum’s unique displays is a copy of a map of Uzbekistan which is possibly the first separate printed cartographical representation of the territory where the Uzbek people lived. The map is titled ‘Nova Maris Caspi et regions Uzbeck’ and was made in 1735 by Johann Peter van Gelen on the basis of a map drawn by Abraham Maas – a Dutch cartographer, who had served in Russia. The original is preserved in the Szechenyi National Library, Budapest, Hungary. The section includes displays illustrating the events connected with the organization of the first military expedition of Prince A. Bekovich-Cherkasski in Khiva in 1717 and a second strong but unsuccessful expedition against the Khivan state in 1839-1840 (under the command of V.A. Perovski) in which the forces of Bekovich-Cherkasski were almost all totally annihilated. On the map are laid out the principal Tsarist military campaigns against Kokand in 1853, 1864-1866 and 1873-1876, against Bukhara in 1866-1868 and against Khiva in 1873. Other images record the places of battles and the capture by Tsarist forces of Tashkent (1865), Samarkand (1868), Khiva (1873) and Makhram (1875). The events of the Khivan campaign were recorded in paintings by an eye-witness and participant, the military artist N.N. Karazin. Also displayed are photographs of the opening of the Russian political agency in Bukhara in 1886, documents recording the payment of contributions to Russia by Khiva, apportionment to Russian citizens of parcels of land in accordance with agreements dictating the inclusion of Bukhara within the Russian ‘customs boundary’, together with other materials which graphically confirm the vassal status of the Emirate of Bukhara and khanates of Khiva and Kokand.

Independent Uzbekistan

On 31 August 1991 Uzbekistan attained real statehood - the most prominent event in the many centuries of the history of the Uzbek people. The exhibition complex ‘The Formation of the Sovereign Democratic State – the Republic of Uzbekistan’ displays documents laying the foundations of sovereignty, among which are the important Constitutional Law ‘On the Foundations of State Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan’ and the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Here also are presented the symbols of the independent state flag, crest and national anthem together with a map of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Also displayed are other important state foundation documents: Communication of the Supreme Soviet of Uzbekistan Concerning the Declaration of Independence on 31 August 1991; ‘Decree of the Supreme Soviet of Uzbekistan Concerning the Proclamation of the Sovereign State of Uzbekistan’; ‘On the Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan’; ‘On the Crest of the Republic of Uzbekistan’ and ‘On the Hymn (National Anthem) of the Republic of Uzbekistan’. Also exhibited is the musical score of the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan by the composer Mutal Burkhanov. As symbols of the state there are also exhibited national orders and medals which have been established in the period of Independence. Great attention is allotted to exhibits demonstrating the strengthening of the defense of the republic and the enormous role of Uzbekistan in the struggle against international terrorism. Among the exhibits are photographs of soldiers and officers killed during the liquidation of terrorist bands and of weapons used by terrorists.

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"Miracle world" section

The department “Miracle world” for the children was opened for the first time in Tashkent on August 19, 2011 at the State museum of History of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.

